Hollywood seems reluctant to acknowledge the literal descriptions that authors place in their books, disregarding plot, changing characters, and 'fixing' dialogue. Every book is turned into a boy meets girl predictable tale. Lord of The Rings is another example of a poor book to movie translation. Potter was hacked so much that, though I had recently read the Goblin of Fire, even I and the person I watched it with [who also read it] were thoroughly confused at the film. The narrative had been killed. Characters would do things for no apparent reason. They tried to form a romantic link between Harry and Hermione, knowing full well that there was no such suggestion in the book [the films being behind the book, it was quite obvious where the romantic ties lay - but you can't have the lead character not get the girl in Hollywood]. The book had a mystery who-done-it plot. But the moviemakers decided this might be too difficult for a filmgoing audience. So they revealed the killer at the start. Genius.
Had they bothered to be more faithful to the book, they would have produced a better film. The book reads like a film. It's plotted like one. So what gives?
P.s. I know she looks like a monster freak in my drawing.
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