Hey Folks! My 'Blarrrrging' rate has been messed up due to a deadly combination of spotty internet access, plus, all-round procrastination. You forgive me though, right?
<( ^ O ^ )>...<~~*Ghey Face*
What we have here, girls and boys, is a non-desrcript bear. Is
crsP moving into the lucrative Super Nintendo games market? Could be, could be...
Meet Quackers! My buddy Matti made a game using AMOS on ye ole Amiga compooter, way back in the tunnels of time. He named him Quackers, and it has fuelled some remarks from my good self throughout the years. I find descriptive character names to be funny. What of it?! I made this Quackers from ma 'magination, and so don't judge your review score of Matti's game on this Master-Works.
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Labels: bear, cartoon, pixel, quackers